Miss Nepal 2016 Asmi Shrestha has appealed for Support ahead of upcoming Miss World 2016. Here’s her request from her facebook page.
Hello Everyone,
As Miss World 2016 is just few months away, i have been putting my heart and soul for the preparation. Beauty with a purpose, as we all know, is one of the most prestigious title awards in this competition. I am sure we are all proud to say that Nepal has been making remarkable progress each year.
For this year’s beauty with purpose project, inspired by the quote – ‘Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world’, I have selected education as the topic for my project. I have chosen a school in Gorkha which is one of the thousands schools destroyed by the last year’s devastating earthquake. With so little done even after a year has passed, it has motivated me to take this opportunity to start better from the bottom.
For the project to start, I am looking for the resources at the moment. Therefore, It’s my humble request to all my fellow people to support me with whatever they wish to. Every little help matters to me, no matter how big or small. I am also organising a charity ball on August 12 as a part of my fundraising activity and also followed by that will be social media campaigns. I will keep posting about my plans and updates via my page. For now, I just wanted to share this information with you all so that i can gain strength for my work through your support. It has always mattered a lot to me.
Please follow for more updates about my project and events. Sending you all Love and Light. <3